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Our Approach

From its inception in May of 2015, #DegreesNYC has engaged hundreds of people to expand access to postsecondary credentials using the following community-driven strategies: 

  1. Form an Advisory Task Force to provide strategic leadership

  2. Hold borough-based meetings and a community hearing to open dialogue on critical postsecondary issues, disparities, and potential solutions in communities across the city

  3. Support cross-sector workgroups to examine and make recommendations on high priority areas identified during the stakeholder meetings and community hearings

  4. Host two citywide summits bringing together concerns and ideas to create a new collective action agenda

  5. Release a blueprint (link to blueprint page) for collective action to move toward equity in four priority areas: 

  • Postsecondary Education Affordability 

  • Higher Education Institutional Policies 

  • Support and Accessibility for All 

  • Data and Accountability 

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