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"We envision a New York City where all young people get the education they need to succeed and where young people’s contributions to our economy, communities and city are recognized and honored."

About #DegreesNYC

#DegreesNYC is a data-informed collective impact movement co-led by young people and education professionals to move to equity in education in NYC.

#DegreeNYC is supported by Goddard Riverside

#DegreesNYC aims to close NYC’s postsecondary attainment gaps by aligning college and career efforts around a shared vision with clear goals. By doing so, there will be a significant increase in the number of young adults completing higher education and entering living wage jobs in NYC.


21 Percent

For every 100 students who enroll in 9th grade in New York City, only 21 earn a college degree.

Bachelor's Degree

 City-wide, 57% of white adults have a bachelor’s degree compared to 22% of their black and 16% of their Hispanic counterparts.

Seven Times

Nationally, the bachelor’s degree attainment rate for higher-income young people is seven times that of low-income youths.


Over one-third of young adults in the city are neither in school nor working in low-wage jobs with limited advancement opportunities. 

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COVID Chronicles​
SONY: COVID Chronicles features blogs through the COVID from NYC students giving their unique perspectives around online learning and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected them in their academic, emotional, mental, and personal lives. 

Artivists in the City​
SONY: Artivists in the City intends to give a safe space for NYC youth to share their art pieces (including paintings, photography, writing, music…). Artivists in the City aims to showcase the young creative minds of New York City.

Past Events!

#DegreesNYC Changing the Odds Summit
#DegreesNYC Changing the Odds Summit
Sep 27, 2023, 9:00 AM
New York

Get Involved

Youth Council Membership

#DegreesNYC Membership

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